Thursday, 29 November 2007

UK should lead GM Drive ...

... says, Chief Scientist Sir David King.

According to the Wednesday 28th November edition of the Daily Mail, David King has called for the British Government (already regarded as the most pro-GM administration in the EU) to push GM technology even further.

Sir David said, "By 2050, we will need to feed over nine billion people on the planet. We will, I believe, only do this of a third green revolution and GM technologies will be crucial in delivery of this. British science, in particular molecular biology, is a world leader and we should be producing companies that will lead the world in this green revolution."

In his next breath, David King revealed his true self by saying, "To date, the Government has taken a broadly neutral approach to GM issues, with its priorities being to protect Human health and the environment and to provide choice for the consumer over whether or not to purchase GM food. I believe that it's now time to revisit this issue."

So there you have it, spelt out in remarkable clarity, Britain's Chief Scientist promotes the introduction of GM crops into the food chain, over and above Human health, the environment or consumer choice.

This is exactly the agenda of the Monsanto/Big Pharma agenda of Codex Alimentarius.

In a subsequent BBC interview, King said there was a 'moral case' for Europe to grow GM crops to help the world's poor. Such unadulterated bullsh*t being put out as propaganda is an affront to the integrity of mankind.

If ever there was a time to support those in the front-line defending against the pernicious threats contained within Codex Alimentarius, that time is NOW!

If you would like to participate in the Codex Awareness Initiative, please Email: ianrcrane(at)hotmail(dot)com

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Wednesday, 28 November 2007


Imagine a world in which no food product could be penalised because of its origins or the way in which it had reached the supermarket shelf.A world where it was impossible to tell if a food item was organic, genetically modified or impregnated with hormones, and where herbal remedies were outlawed, undermining the complementary and alternative health care industry.

According to independent researcher Ian Crane, this will be our world in just over two years' time - unless we wake up to the "shocking" threat of the Codex Alimentarius, or Food Code, now being finalised by a range of 27 specialist committees working steadily awaty under the auspices of the World Trade Organization and the Food and Agricultural Organization.

Ian, of Staverton, near Totnes in Devon, had 25 years' international business experience in human resources behind him when he quit the corporate environment five years ago to become a researcher and public speaker on the events of 9/11 and the subsequent geopolitical agenda - about which he has produced a series of DVDs - and to indulge his special interest in the mythology and cosmology of the ancient Mayan civilisation of Central America.

The immediate past chairman of the 9/11 Truth Campaign in Britain and Ireland, Ian has new DVDs out soon on the Codex threat and on Peak Oil: Myth or Reality?

With the Codex Commission's Committee on Nutrition and Food for Special Dietary Uses meeting in Germany this week, Ian warned that the effects of the "pernicious" legislation, due to be introduced on December 31, 2009, would be devastating.

It meant that the consumer's right to know the provenance and content of food would be taken away.

Ian believes that, "without a shadow of a doubt", there is a plot by major food and pharmaceutical companies to see that the Codex proposals become international law.

"It's corporatocracy gone crazy," he told me. "Their thinking is so outrageous. We are talking about a corporate philosophy which is completely devoid of humanity, of compassion; it's simply about profit.

"What they are ensuring is that, effectively, from the moment that a human is conceived, until that human dies, that person is a potential revenue stream, and the more money they can make from that, the better it is for their shareholders, and increasing the market value of their companies.

"But at what cost? A rapidly deteriorating state of human health which, to all intents and purposes, is self-inflicted because we are giving the food and drug companies the opportunities to change fundamentally the way we live."

If the natural health remedies, which had been around for millennia, were outlawed, it would increase people's reliance on the pharmaceutical industry.

Ian's challenge is "prove me wrong". He said: "I would love to enter a debate with somebody who could argue the case in support of the Codex Alimentarius." He urges people to write to their MPs expressing concern, and to support the Alliance for Natural Health ( ) in its fight against the Codex.

Ian added: "I don't deal in conspiracies, I deal in evidence, and I address the things I do because I'm very uncomfortable with the physical evidence in the public domain. In many cases, the physical evidence does not support the official version of events."

This article featured in the Western Morning Press - Friday 16th November 2007

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Tuesday, 27 November 2007

New World Order & Codex Alimentarius

The Future of Natural Health …

Few people would argue that the 21st Century has been uneventful, yet the vast majority stay locked in a paradigm of 'bread and circuses'; working increasingly long hours in response to spiralling costs and lulled into indifference by daily doses of Eastenders, Corrie, Big Brother or Sport.

Consequently, few people will be aware that on 15th May 2007, just six weeks before being appointed Prime Minister, Gordon Brown joined ranks with George Bush Snr by publicly stating his commitment to the political philosophy of globalisation and the establishment of a New World Order.

So what does all this have to do with Natural Health? Part of the New World Order agenda is to restrict and ultimately prohibit the sale of all natural health products. According to John Hammell, a legislative advocate and the founder of International Advocates for Health Freedom (IAHF), here is what we have to look forward to:

“If Codex Alimentarius has its way, then herbs, vitamins, minerals, homeopathic remedies, amino acids and other natural remedies you have taken for granted most of your life will be gone. The name of the game for Codex is to shift all remedies into the prescription category so they can be controlled exclusively by the medical monopoly and its bosses, the major pharmaceutical firms.”

However, this is just the tip of the iceberg; behind the Codex Alimentarius Commission are the United Nations and the World Health Organization, working in conjunction with the multinational pharmaceutical cartel and international banks. It is now a criminal offence in parts of Europe to sell herbs as foods. An agreement called EEC6565 equates selling herbs as foods to selling other illegal drugs. Action is being taken to accelerate bringing other European countries into 'harmonisation'.

So you see, the Alternative Health Community is under pernicious threat, yet the vast majority of alternative health practitioners or their clients have little or no awareness of the impact that Codex Alimentarius will have on the profession.

What Can We Do?

Step number one is to learn as much as possible about the invasive agenda of the New World Order and acknowledge how unfettered global corporatocracy is impacting upon every aspect of our lives & undermining personal liberty.

In a series of illustrated talks, combining music, & video, with biting political analysis, Ian R. Crane probes the track record of those who openly crave the introduction of a One World hierarchical Government. Exposing the agenda of those who have presided over events leading directly to the launching of illegal wars in Afghanistan & Iraq and who continually demonstrate their desire to perpetuate a state of permanent global conflict; whilst systematically eroding our personal freedoms, through the process of gradualism.

Yet Ian's message is not all doom and gloom, concluding that the unfolding events present us with significant opportunity for true Political Alchemy.
… and if you want to change the world, do something different…TODAY!

If you are interested in helping to arrange a Codex Alimantarius awareness event in your town, please contact Ian directly: ianrcrane(at)hotmail(dot)com

Originally published in the September 07 edition of Breathing Space Magazine

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This blog has been established to draw attention to the pernicious threat of Codex Alimentarius (Latin for 'Food Code'). This astonishing piece of Global Legislation is being driven by the Big Pharma & Big Farmer, under the guise of the World Trade & World Health Organisations, supported by the World Bank. This rapidly developing Food & Drug imperialism will be 'forced' upon unsuspecting nations, within the next few years, unless the people wake up to the magnitude of the threat and challenge their political representatives to resist this obnoxious Corporate agenda.

The Pharmaceutical industry has deep pockets. In 2002 the combined profits of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies exceeded the combined profits of the other 490 companies in the Fortune 500.

The ultimate objectives of Codex Alimentarius can be summarised as follows:

1). The eradication of Organic Farming.

3). The destruction of the Complementary & Alternative Health Care Community.

These core objectives will not be achieved overnight but the players are well versed in Stealth Politics and the Process of Gradualism. The purpose of this Blog is to disseminate information on Codex Alimenatrius so that the casual observer has the opportunity to appreciate the likely outcome of dis-interest or apathy on their part.

Consider the potential imminence of Codex Alimentarius to be a tremendous opportunity to gain insight into the inhumanity of global corporatocracy.

More ... much more to follow.

Meanwhile, please see the following links:

Alliance for Natural Health

Natural Health Federation

Dr. Rath Foundation

If you would like to get regular updates on Codex Alimentarius or wish to participate in the Codex Awareness Initiative, please Email: ianrcrane(at)hotmail(dot)com

Ian R. Crane

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